Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Monday, December 23, 2013
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Nelson Mandela's Life and Legacy
Thanks to Edutopia, we have several lessons from Mandela's life and various teaching resources, useful material for any ESL or CLIL lesson.
Visit the post at Edutopia.
Personal Learning Environments - MOOC in Spanish
Lanzamiento del primer MOOC en lengua castellana del Instituto de Tecnologías Educativas y Formación del Profesorado (INTEF), unidad del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte responsable de la integración de las TIC en las etapas educativas no universitarias.
Este primer MOOC sobre "Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje (PLE) para el desarrollo profesional docente", es la primera iniciativa de estas características desarrollada por el INTEF y abrirá su primera edición a partir del 13 de enero de 2014 en el nuevo espacio INTEF MOOC.
INTEF MOOC es una nueva vía de formación del profesorado más orientada al desarrollo de competencias, especialmente las relacionadas con la colaboración en red, la gestión autónoma del aprendizaje y la participación en comunidades educativas. Esta nueva modalidad de formación para profesorado que el INTEF ofrece pretende desarrollar procesos masivos de formación basados en el aprendizaje social y abierto, mediante propuestas de actividades que generen interacción, producción agregada, conocimiento compartido y la generación de redes profesionales. En este sentido, la experiencia de MOOC que aquí se presenta se plantea como un evento social para docentes que desean compartir su experiencia de aprendizaje.
En el INTEF no ven un MOOC como un curso de Formación a Distancia con unos contenidos cuya asimilación se evalúa mediante cuestionarios y un tutor que asiste a los participantes en las dificultades. En un MOOC, los participantes somos parte importante en la creación de contenidos, la evaluación está vinculada a nuestro trabajo y actividad durante el curso y somos a la vez aprendiz y docente en una gran comunidad de aprendizaje. Bajo el enfoque conectivista de los MOOC del INTEF cada participante debe asumir el liderazgo de su propio aprendizaje, el compromiso con los plazos fijados para cada curso y una participación activa generando y compartiendo conocimiento con el resto de participantes.
El INTEF no tiene la intención de quedarse sólo con este primer MOOC, sino que avanza que cada uno de sus cursos masivos en línea y abiertos tendrá un diseño que permitirá a quienes los completen, alcanzar los objetivos planteados inicialmente por medio de una propuesta de contenidos, tareas y actividades que los inscritos tendrán que desarrollar colectivamente en unas fechas determinadas. La finalidad de los MOOC del INTEF es que quienes participen en esta nueva modalidad de formación desarrollen su autonomía en los contextos digitales, conecten con comunidades profesionales y sean capaces de generar y compartir contenidos de valor para su propia comunidad en relación a los distintos temas que se trabajen en cada MOOC.
Pero por ahora, vamos a ver en qué consiste el que acaba de convocarse y cuyo comienzo es inminente. Será interesante seguir su hashtag #eduPLEmooc en Twitter:
El MOOC ‘Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje para el desarrollo profesional docente" ofrece una experiencia de aprendizaje conectado a través de la cual podremos construir o rediseñar nuestro PLE (Personal Learning Environment), reflexionar sobre la identidad digital y los procesos de aprendizaje personales y entrar en contacto con otros profesionales y personas interesadas en la educación a través de diversas comunidades virtuales.
Esta experiencia permitirá mejorar la competencia digital de quienes lo realicen con éxito, tanto en la faceta de aprendiz permanente como en el desarrollo profesional docente.
El curso consta de 7 unidades agrupadas en 2 módulos:
Módulo I
1. Nuestras huellas digitales.
2. De docentes conectados a docentes en-red(ados).
3. PLE y gestión de la información.
Módulo II
4. Creación de una comunidad de aprendizaje.
5. Curación de contenidos.
6. Aprendizaje permanente. Aprendizajes y pedagogías emergentes.
7. Conclusiones del proyecto y balance del curso.
Mediante la realización de las actividades del MOOC, se podrán conseguir 3 emblemas digitales: uno al final del primer módulo, el segundo al completar la unidad 6 y un tercer y último emblema asociado a la finalización satisfactoria del plan de actividades del curso.
Este MOOC busca despertar el interés por la reflexión sobre la identidad digital y los procesos de aprendizaje personales, y dirigirlos hacia el desarrollo profesional a través del concepto de Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje (PLE).
Con la realización de las actividades del curso, se conseguirá construir un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje integrando los recursos y servicios que ya utilicemos con otros nuevos, tras su identificación y análisis de acuerdo con las necesidades personales y profesionales.
En el MOOC quieren ayudar a identificar, adaptar y trasladar buenas prácticas de aplicación del enfoque de los Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje en el aula, reflexionando sobre metodologías innovadoras de evaluación de los aprendizajes.
Esperan, finalmente, estimular la generación de redes y comunidades profesionales docentes y la participación activa de los inscritos en las mismas. Es también objetivo del curso que sus participantes avancen en la mejora de su competencia digital para su aplicación profesional como docentes.
Estos objetivos generales tendrán una especificación por unidades semanales con retos u objetivos más específicos que sean evaluables mediante evidencias de aprendizaje que el participante irá creando como resultado de su actividad en el curso. No se puede esperar el logro de objetivos de aprendizaje propuestos mediante la simple visualización de los contenidos; es necesario completar las actividades que cada semana el MOOC propone.
Requisitos recomendados
Para participar en esta actividad tan sólo es necesario que dispongas de una conexión a Internet que te permita visualizar vídeos, ya que gran parte de los contenidos que te ofrecen están en este formato.
Aunque el MOOC te permitirá construir tu identidad digital, es necesario que los participantes tengan una actitud positiva hacia la participación en comunidades y la generación de recursos y perfiles de acceso público, puesto que la mayor parte de la actividad del curso gira en torno a estas dos cuestiones.
Público objetivo
Este curso está dirigido a profesionales de la educación, sin importar el nivel educativo en el que lleven a cabo su actividad.
Este primer MOOC sobre "Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje (PLE) para el desarrollo profesional docente", es la primera iniciativa de estas características desarrollada por el INTEF y abrirá su primera edición a partir del 13 de enero de 2014 en el nuevo espacio INTEF MOOC.
INTEF MOOC es una nueva vía de formación del profesorado más orientada al desarrollo de competencias, especialmente las relacionadas con la colaboración en red, la gestión autónoma del aprendizaje y la participación en comunidades educativas. Esta nueva modalidad de formación para profesorado que el INTEF ofrece pretende desarrollar procesos masivos de formación basados en el aprendizaje social y abierto, mediante propuestas de actividades que generen interacción, producción agregada, conocimiento compartido y la generación de redes profesionales. En este sentido, la experiencia de MOOC que aquí se presenta se plantea como un evento social para docentes que desean compartir su experiencia de aprendizaje.
En el INTEF no ven un MOOC como un curso de Formación a Distancia con unos contenidos cuya asimilación se evalúa mediante cuestionarios y un tutor que asiste a los participantes en las dificultades. En un MOOC, los participantes somos parte importante en la creación de contenidos, la evaluación está vinculada a nuestro trabajo y actividad durante el curso y somos a la vez aprendiz y docente en una gran comunidad de aprendizaje. Bajo el enfoque conectivista de los MOOC del INTEF cada participante debe asumir el liderazgo de su propio aprendizaje, el compromiso con los plazos fijados para cada curso y una participación activa generando y compartiendo conocimiento con el resto de participantes.
El INTEF no tiene la intención de quedarse sólo con este primer MOOC, sino que avanza que cada uno de sus cursos masivos en línea y abiertos tendrá un diseño que permitirá a quienes los completen, alcanzar los objetivos planteados inicialmente por medio de una propuesta de contenidos, tareas y actividades que los inscritos tendrán que desarrollar colectivamente en unas fechas determinadas. La finalidad de los MOOC del INTEF es que quienes participen en esta nueva modalidad de formación desarrollen su autonomía en los contextos digitales, conecten con comunidades profesionales y sean capaces de generar y compartir contenidos de valor para su propia comunidad en relación a los distintos temas que se trabajen en cada MOOC.
Pero por ahora, vamos a ver en qué consiste el que acaba de convocarse y cuyo comienzo es inminente. Será interesante seguir su hashtag #eduPLEmooc en Twitter:
El MOOC ‘Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje para el desarrollo profesional docente" ofrece una experiencia de aprendizaje conectado a través de la cual podremos construir o rediseñar nuestro PLE (Personal Learning Environment), reflexionar sobre la identidad digital y los procesos de aprendizaje personales y entrar en contacto con otros profesionales y personas interesadas en la educación a través de diversas comunidades virtuales.
Esta experiencia permitirá mejorar la competencia digital de quienes lo realicen con éxito, tanto en la faceta de aprendiz permanente como en el desarrollo profesional docente.
El curso consta de 7 unidades agrupadas en 2 módulos:
Módulo I
1. Nuestras huellas digitales.
2. De docentes conectados a docentes en-red(ados).
3. PLE y gestión de la información.
Módulo II
4. Creación de una comunidad de aprendizaje.
5. Curación de contenidos.
6. Aprendizaje permanente. Aprendizajes y pedagogías emergentes.
7. Conclusiones del proyecto y balance del curso.
Mediante la realización de las actividades del MOOC, se podrán conseguir 3 emblemas digitales: uno al final del primer módulo, el segundo al completar la unidad 6 y un tercer y último emblema asociado a la finalización satisfactoria del plan de actividades del curso.
Este MOOC busca despertar el interés por la reflexión sobre la identidad digital y los procesos de aprendizaje personales, y dirigirlos hacia el desarrollo profesional a través del concepto de Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje (PLE).
Con la realización de las actividades del curso, se conseguirá construir un Entorno Personal de Aprendizaje integrando los recursos y servicios que ya utilicemos con otros nuevos, tras su identificación y análisis de acuerdo con las necesidades personales y profesionales.
En el MOOC quieren ayudar a identificar, adaptar y trasladar buenas prácticas de aplicación del enfoque de los Entornos Personales de Aprendizaje en el aula, reflexionando sobre metodologías innovadoras de evaluación de los aprendizajes.
Esperan, finalmente, estimular la generación de redes y comunidades profesionales docentes y la participación activa de los inscritos en las mismas. Es también objetivo del curso que sus participantes avancen en la mejora de su competencia digital para su aplicación profesional como docentes.
Estos objetivos generales tendrán una especificación por unidades semanales con retos u objetivos más específicos que sean evaluables mediante evidencias de aprendizaje que el participante irá creando como resultado de su actividad en el curso. No se puede esperar el logro de objetivos de aprendizaje propuestos mediante la simple visualización de los contenidos; es necesario completar las actividades que cada semana el MOOC propone.
Requisitos recomendados
Para participar en esta actividad tan sólo es necesario que dispongas de una conexión a Internet que te permita visualizar vídeos, ya que gran parte de los contenidos que te ofrecen están en este formato.
Aunque el MOOC te permitirá construir tu identidad digital, es necesario que los participantes tengan una actitud positiva hacia la participación en comunidades y la generación de recursos y perfiles de acceso público, puesto que la mayor parte de la actividad del curso gira en torno a estas dos cuestiones.
Público objetivo
Este curso está dirigido a profesionales de la educación, sin importar el nivel educativo en el que lleven a cabo su actividad.
Monday, December 2, 2013
Is college really worth it?
Given how much college costs, how much debt most students have after graduation, and how hard it is to get a good job in this economy, is college really worth it?
You can view this week's Do Now here:
http://blogs.kqed.org/ education/2013/11/30/is- college-worth-the-cost/
You can view this week's Do Now here:
Photo by KitAy
To respond to the Do Now, you can comment below or tweet your response. Be sure to begin your tweet with @KQEDEdspace and end it with #DoNowCollege
Listening comprehension,
Reading comprehension
Saturday, November 30, 2013
Monday, November 25, 2013
The accomplishments of JFK as president
Fifty years ago, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald while riding in a motorcade through downtown Dallas, Texas. Although his life was cut short, his legacy of supporting civil rights and American technological advancement still resonates today.
This week's Do Now conversation is framed around how President Kennedy inspired a generation of scientists with his mission to be the first country to go to the Moon.
Does your generation have a “Moon mission”? And if so, what does it look like? If not, what should it look like?
You can view the Do Now here:
http://blogs.kqed.org/ education/2013/11/22/what-is- this-generations-moon-mission/
This week's Do Now conversation is framed around how President Kennedy inspired a generation of scientists with his mission to be the first country to go to the Moon.
Does your generation have a “Moon mission”? And if so, what does it look like? If not, what should it look like?
You can view the Do Now here:
To respond to the Do Now, you can comment below or tweet your response. Be sure to begin your tweet with @KQEDEdspace and end it with #DoNowJFK
Brought to you by PBS NewsHour Extra.
Listening comprehension,
Reading comprehension,
Thursday, November 21, 2013
A Journey through Middle Earth
Go and visit the Middle Earth with Google.
Read more about this Chrome Experiment at The Chromium Blog
Monday, November 4, 2013
How Should We Address Poverty?
How should we treat people who are living in poverty?
What would an anti-poverty agenda look like?
Devise one piece of legislation that could make a difference.
Here's the Do Now: http://blogs.kqed.org/ education/2013/11/01/how- should-we-address-poverty/
What would an anti-poverty agenda look like?
Devise one piece of legislation that could make a difference.
Here's the Do Now: http://blogs.kqed.org/
To respond to the Do Now, you can comment below or tweet your response. Be sure to begin your tweet with @KQEDEdspace and end it with #DoNowPoverty
Listening comprehension,
Reading comprehension,
Friday, October 25, 2013
Halloween Public Voicemail Board
Enjoy receiving voice messages through SpeakPipe?
What about spooky Halloween voice messages?
Visit the board here.
Go ahead, record your spooky messages and share them with others.
Don't be shy - you can become a Halloween spooky-star!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Is there a gender gap in education? - #DoNowMalala
Why is it important for boys and girls to receive equal opportunities in education?
What societal problems can be caused by an inequality in educational opportunities?
Do you think there is inequality in educational opportunities in America?
If so, what do they look like?
In many places around the world, boys and girls receive different and unequal opportunities to pursue an education. The inequality of opportunity typically has major consequences for these societies, and the individual women and men who live in them.
Last year, 14-year-old Pakistani student Malala Yousafzai was targeted and shot by radical Taliban militants while on her school bus. Malala was a youth blogger for the BBC advocating girls education in her native Pakistan, and continued to go to school despite a Taliban ban outlawing women’s education. She was recently interviewed on PBS NewsHour.
You can see the Do Now here:
http://blogs.kqed.org/ education/2013/10/18/is-there- a-gender-gap-in-education/
What societal problems can be caused by an inequality in educational opportunities?
Do you think there is inequality in educational opportunities in America?
If so, what do they look like?
In many places around the world, boys and girls receive different and unequal opportunities to pursue an education. The inequality of opportunity typically has major consequences for these societies, and the individual women and men who live in them.
Last year, 14-year-old Pakistani student Malala Yousafzai was targeted and shot by radical Taliban militants while on her school bus. Malala was a youth blogger for the BBC advocating girls education in her native Pakistan, and continued to go to school despite a Taliban ban outlawing women’s education. She was recently interviewed on PBS NewsHour.
You can see the Do Now here:
PBS NewsHour
Listening comprehension,
Reading comprehension
Monday, October 14, 2013
The Innovation of Loneliness
What is the connection between Social Networks and Being Lonely? Watch and jump into your own conclusions.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
This week's Do Now: Should We Bring Species Back to Life?
Do Now
If we are able to bring back extinct animals, does that mean we should proceed with de-extinction? Is it ethical? Should humans even be concerned with this?
mammut/Wikimedia Commons
To respond to the Do Now, you can comment below or tweet your response. Be sure to begin your tweet with @KQEDEdspace and end it with #DoNowExtinct
Listening comprehension,
Reading comprehension,
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
2.0 Guest Chef
Today, I am just popping out to say thank you to "La Cocina de las TIC", an excellent project managed by my colleagues Marta and Sara Reina Herrera, who have invited me to be a 2.0 Guest Chef and given me the chance of explaining why I love and use ICT all the time.
Thanks ever so much for allowing me to share ingredients, menus and dressings for 2.0 ESL lessons. It has been a real pleasure to be able to collaborate!
Read full post at La Cocina de las TIC (in Spanish).
Sunday, September 29, 2013
The Do Now Arts & Popular Culture of the semester
This month, we ask students…"If you see an artwork that addresses an important issue, does it compel you to form a stronger opinion? Does crochet artist Olek’s newest public art project in Russia, made in support of the LGBT community, inspire you to think more deeply about global issues around equality? Has any artwork resonated with you in a way that made you consider your own political perspectives? If so, please share a link or something original."
We focus the prompt on street artist Olek who recently created a public installation in Russia in response to the government’s recent decision against gay rights. We highlight a recent episode of PBS Off Book, featuring interviews with Olek and Swoon (another influential female street artist) to see more examples of public artwork, and to gain a better understanding of the artists’ intentions. Please note that this video should be pre-screened by teachers before showing to students, and includes mature language.
And here's the link:
We focus the prompt on street artist Olek who recently created a public installation in Russia in response to the government’s recent decision against gay rights. We highlight a recent episode of PBS Off Book, featuring interviews with Olek and Swoon (another influential female street artist) to see more examples of public artwork, and to gain a better understanding of the artists’ intentions. Please note that this video should be pre-screened by teachers before showing to students, and includes mature language.
And here's the link:
To respond to the Do Now, you can comment below or tweet your response. Be sure to begin your tweet with @KQEDEdspace and end it with #DoNowOlek
Listening comprehension,
Reading comprehension,
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Our role in managing forest fires
This week's Do Now looks at the recent forest fire in Yosemite, CA.
What do you think our role should be in managing forest fires?
What do you think our role should be in managing forest fires?
photo courtesy of NASA’s Earth Observatory
To respond to the Do Now, you can tweet your response. Be sure to begin your tweet with@KQEDEdspace and end it with #DoNowFire
Listening comprehension,
Reading comprehension,
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Generations @ school 2013 Thank You Certificate
A certificate from Generations @ school 2013 team to express their appreciation for your participation in the project.
For B2 and C1 ESL students.
Thank you all!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Multilingual cruise
Get ready for your educational seafaring ticket in September 2013 and cruise around innovation, journeying with those in exile.
Listening comprehension,
Reading comprehension,
Recommended books,
Recommended films,
Friday, August 30, 2013
Kuentalibros: 2,000 posts recommending books
Interview for AulaPlaneta to summarise this two-year collaborative project after its ending in summer 2013.
The interview is in Spanish.
Thanks a lot!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
March on Washington
To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the famous speech by Martin Luther King, you may also have your dream and record it on the site launched by Google for the celebrations.
We are still marching is an interactive experience where you will be able to read and listen to the original speech, surf videos and photos taken at the time and record your own dream.
You can't miss this wonderful opportunity to learn more about the march! And do not forget to keep on marching!
We are still marching is an interactive experience where you will be able to read and listen to the original speech, surf videos and photos taken at the time and record your own dream.
You can't miss this wonderful opportunity to learn more about the march! And do not forget to keep on marching!
Image found at businessinsider.com
Listening comprehension,
Reading comprehension,
Monday, August 26, 2013
I have a dream
50th Anniversary of the March on Washington
Lesson Plan: “I Have a Dream” as a Work of Literature.
Source: PBS Newshour.
Monday, August 19, 2013
Manners Matter
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Augmented Reality and Language Skills
On 26 June, I had the pleasure to be talking to a group of teachers attending the First Congress of Innovative Schools in Oviedo about our ESL classroom activities on Augmented Reality.
I was kindly invited by @SMNARANCOAV to be part of the lecturers in charge of presenting multilingual experiences in this educational gathering and now I would like to share the presentation I showed there with you all just in case you find it interesting or useful.
Here is the recording of the talk:
I was kindly invited by @SMNARANCOAV to be part of the lecturers in charge of presenting multilingual experiences in this educational gathering and now I would like to share the presentation I showed there with you all just in case you find it interesting or useful.
Here is the recording of the talk:
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
Learn English on the go
Lingua.ly offers a new way to learn English while you are browsing the web, on the go, even when you are on your Facebook wall.
The aim of this Chrome plugin is that you increase your vocabulary as you are reading online texts so you face real language situations that match your own needs and purposes.
When you add the plugin to your Chrome, Lingua.ly will automatically prompt you to take new personalized quizzes, as you surf the web. You can also use the plugin to be recommended texts that are adequate for your reading level and mark up texts or use their dictionary.
Source: TechCrunch via Wwwhatsnew
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Writing webmix
This Writing webmix is a great tool for teachers and students, containing various lesson plans, online tools, and tutorials regarding all types of Writing.
Created by KPB.
Created by KPB.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Having a break!
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Thursday, July 11, 2013
One year sailing with those in exile
After a school year being part of the crew at El Barco del Exilio, I think it is worth it to watch this summary that visually narrates how the project insiders feel about it.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Tuesday, June 25, 2013
Monday, June 24, 2013
Graduation at Blogmaníacos
My most sincere thanks to Blogmaníacos for their incredible generosity at giving me graduation honours at the end of their 2012/2013 school year.
It has been my pleasure to be in touch with you!
Please, believe me when I say that I will always regard this membership as a real treasure.
Thank you so much for the great time I've had in your class this year.
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Forget about stains
Watch, listen and enter a new world of everlasting cleanliness!
Friday, June 21, 2013
Goodbye, Kuentalibros!
All the best to the huge amount of Storytellers that have been collaborating with Kuentalibros for the last two years!
After having said goodbye to the collaborative project that has meant so much to me and my ESL students, I'm absolutely lost for words, but please, Do Keep on Reading!
Thursday, June 20, 2013
ThingLink in the classroom
ThingLinkis a simple piece of code that users can install on their website or blog. This code allows teachers or students to designate parts of sites or pages (pictures, etc.) that will produce a pop-up with a description and or a link to something else on the web.
This is a great way to make static images interactive as well and using ThingLink will also allow users to track analytics of the images and links that they have shared.
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Summer Reading 2013
Dear students,
This summer you will be able to complete your summer reading online using Gobstopper, an e-reading platform that makes reading much more engaging andfun. On Gobstopper, questions and rich media literally jump right out of the book while you read.
Both you and I will be able to track your progress as you read and see how well you have mastered certain skills and standards by the end of the summer. You will be able to earn badges while you read and show me that you have worked hard to complete this summer reading assignment.
You can access and complete your summer reading on any device with an internet connection including a laptop/desktop, tablet, or, even a smart phone.
A wide range of selected books will appear on your student dashboard on Gobstopper once you have created your student account. Read the instructions below for setting up your account separately.
Your summer reading books will be available on your dashboard beginning June 15th.
I hope you enjoy using Gobstopper. I look forward to watching your progress and seeing you grow and succeed as a reader.
Yours truly,
In order to enroll in my class on Gobstopper (Summer Reading 2013), please go to:
When you go the above address, you will be prompted to create an account.
Please choose a password you will remember. After you create an account, you will be sent to Gobstopper's home page and from there, you'll be able to access the reading homework I have assigned you.
Wednesday, June 12, 2013
Summer Reading
Enjoy your summer while enhancing your reading skills with Edgar Allan Poe.
Enrol our brand new reading class at Gobstopper.
Use this token to join the class: garcia-san-martin-p1-b2-esl-ae and discover the new superhero powers of this ereader tool.
The reading assignment is open until 30th August 2013! Enjoy!
Sunday, June 9, 2013
Seven things you didn't know about Starbucks
Watch more videos at Mashable.
Monday, June 3, 2013
How to write an essay in ten steps
1. Examine the essay question carefully
o Highlight key words.
o Use the dictionary to check the meaning of any unfamiliar words, if allowed.
o Identify the task words that indicate what needs to be done, eg ‘discuss', ‘explain', ‘compare'.
o Identify the topic words that indicate the particular subject of the essay, eg the character of ‘Juliet' in Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet, the ‘causes' of World War 1.
o Identify any limiting words that restrict the discussion to a particular area, eg in ‘Chapters 1-3', during the ‘nineteenth century'.
2. Finalize any necessary reading or research as background to the essay
o Be selective: use sources which are relevant and accessible.
o Write notes in your own words.
o Write down quotations that may be particularly useful, but ensure the source of these quotes is acknowledged if they're used.
o Take note of sources so they can be provided in footnotes and the bibliography.
3. Brainstorm your ideas in response to the question
o Jot down any relevant points.
o Make note of any relevant evidence or quotes that come to mind.
o Use a mind map to help stimulate lateral thinking.
4. Construct a thesis (idea/argument) that encapsulates the response to the question
o The thesis should be a statement that strongly expresses the overall response to the question.
o Avoid a thesis that's too simplistic – show thought has been put into some of the complexities behind the question.
o The thesis is the backbone of the essay – it will be stated in the introduction. It also needs to be referred to several times in the essay before restating it and demonstrating how it has been proven in the conclusion.
5. Write a plan for the response
o Order ideas in a logical sequence.
o Make sure every point in the plan is relevant to the question.
o After the plan has been written it should be clear where the essay is going.
6. Write the introduction
o Open up the discussion.
o Introduce the thesis.
o Indicate how the questions will be answered.
o Name any texts to be discussed, if appropriate.
o Engage the reader.
7. Write the main body of the essay
o Ensure each point is given a new paragraph.
o Use words or phrases at the start of each paragraph that will indicate to the reader how it relates to the previous paragraph, eg, 'however', ‘in addition', ‘nevertheless', ‘moreover'.
o Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly links the paragraph to the rest of the essay.
o Provide supporting evidence for each point that you make.
o Revisit the thesis, and express it in different ways if possible, to emphasise how the question is being addressed.
8. Write your essay conclusion
o Summarise the main ideas.
o Demonstrate how you have proven your thesis.
o Finish with an interesting or thought-provoking, but relevant, comment.
9. Edit the draft
o Check for spelling, punctuation and grammar.
o Delete any sections that are not particularly relevant.
o Change vocabulary to improve expression.
o Seek feedback from peers or a teacher before writing the final copy.
10. Write the final copy
o Add any footnotes or bibliography if required.
o Present a clean, neat copy.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Learning English Through Video Clips
Lots of Free English Video Lessons to listen, understand, learn vocabulary and extend your comprehension.
TeacherPhil.com is a Youtube channel with thousands of videos to learn English with American accent; they explain vocabulary, grammar, expressions, idioms, and lots of other language issues.
Friday, May 31, 2013
News for ESL learners
Divided into three levels, according to the number of words you are ready to learn English, this website offers you the chance to read and listen to pieces of news until you fully understand what is going on.
Once you get the swing of it, you can go into further discussion through Facebook and keep on practising.
Have fun!
Listening comprehension,
Reading comprehension
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
The Great Gatsby
Undoubtedly Gatsby has hit it big since its release on May 10, 2013, but for those of you that know there is a novel behind and not only DiCaprio, there you go further information about The Great Gatsby, an abridged ebook, and the audiobooks to have a go at and then make up your mind about giving the movie a try, or not! Who knows?
Cover from Wikipedia
Picture from ESL-bits.net
Friday, May 24, 2013
Video Conference with Blogmaníacos
On Thursday 23 May 2013 I had the great pleasure to be allowed into the classroom of a very special and highly ICT skilled bunch of learners, blogmaniacos, who challenged me with a Facetime interview while being recorded by Conchita López, their teacher.
Here you are the video summary of our get-together:
My most sincere thanks to these incredibly friendly, hard-working, fun and warm learners!!!!!!
I really had the time of my life!!!!!!!!!!
I'm humbly honoured to feel part of Blogmaníacos!!!!!!
Here you are the video summary of our get-together:
My most sincere thanks to these incredibly friendly, hard-working, fun and warm learners!!!!!!
I really had the time of my life!!!!!!!!!!
I'm humbly honoured to feel part of Blogmaníacos!!!!!!
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
How to use Glass
From Project Glass.
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Have you ever felt like Eliza Doolittle?
Click on the image below, watch the video clip and find out.
Picture from The Jane Austen Film Club.
While you are watching and listening, you have some work to do: this worksheet will help you understand what is going on and why.
Monday, May 20, 2013
Sunday, May 19, 2013
See you soon!
Watch the video below.
Now, listen to this soundtrack.
Now let's watch 'See you in september' again and find a quick answer for an easy question: can you hear any rhyming words? If so, which ones?
Now, listen to this soundtrack.
Now let's watch 'See you in september' again and find a quick answer for an easy question: can you hear any rhyming words? If so, which ones?
Have a look at the phonetic symbols below and find words in the song whose pronunciation matches them:
Let's move on now to 'The Sound of Music' again and try to match the rhyming words with the phonetic symbols above, first of all.
Next, let's concentrate on the farewell words. How many different languages are the children using?
Finally, let's discuss for a litlle while about multilingualism.
Is it a myth or a fact, fiction or reality?
What does being multilingual involve?
How does one become multilingual?
Are multilinguals the odd ones out? Are they specially talented? Can they pick up any language they want just like that?
Is multilingualism a fad or a consequence of living in a multilingual world?
Are you multilingual? Would you like to be multilingual or your family to be multilingual?
Listening comprehension,
Thursday, May 16, 2013
The Sunshine Award
This morning I woke up with a surprising but very rewarding piece of news. We have been nominated by Carmen Arias and Pilar Pamblanco to The Sunshine Award.
Thanks ever so much, Carmen and Pilar, I am really humbled and honoured and the fact that you have thought of this blog is just amazing!
The Sunshine Award is an award given to bloggers by other bloggers. It is given to 'bloggers who are positive and creatively inspire others in the blogosphere'. As with other similar awards, there are rules, which are:
1) Including the award logo in your post or site.
2) Answering seven questions about yourself.
3) Nominating five to ten other wonderful bloggers.
4) Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know they are nominated.
5) Share the love and link with the person who nominated you.
So, here we go to abide the rules:
Questions about me:
1. I am just an ESL teacher who loves her job and working with ICT.
2. I love my family: husband and two boys, aged 10 and 16.
3. I love travelling; the further, the better.
4. I am madly in love with Twitter, blogging and sharing!
5. I hate papers, tests, exams, I just can't stand all that stuff!
6. My favourite films ever are The Sound of Music, My FairLady, Gone with the wind, Billy Elliot, The Lord of the Rings..., these are too many, aren't they? Well, I'll stop here, then.
7. Books, favourite books? Almost impossible to name a couple, I'm a bookworm, but I must say that my most beloved writer of all times is David Lodge.
My nominees are:
Crea y aprende con Laura. By @jhergony, awesome colleague in the Canary Islands!
Blogmaniacos. By @blogmaniacos, a fantastic band I learn an awful lot from!
My English Scrapbook. By @EstherMartinez, for the incredible amount of ESL resources she posts!
Sharing Learning. By @inma_a, for her tremendous effort to share all she does!
Creación Literaria y más... By @jferna35, an amazingly good Primary school teacher!
Learning Station!: 'El Perchero'. By @yolanda_egea, always ready to share tips and awesome ideas, the perfect eTwinning ambassador!
Mi primer año en Red XXI. By @julisanzmamolar, for his availability and willingness to learn and share. Proud to work with him!
Lengüetrazos. By @lajaines, the most friendly and close colleague I have found on the cyberspace!
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