Monday, May 4, 2015

GRETA - ELT, Spring of Ideas - 25 April 2015 Jaén

On 25 April 2015, I had the pleasure to share GRETA Teacher's Day with almost 100 teachers and pre-service teachers interested in CLIL learning.

It was a light-hearted event at University of Jaén, to which I was warmly welcome by the GRETA team, who quickly managed to make me feel at home, and so I would like to thank them all for that.

After some days to reflect and think about all the innovation, positive attitudes and splendid materials I had the pleasure to view and feel in Jaén, I'd like to provide you with the presentation and handouts I used in the workshop that opened the day, hoping that you might find it enjoyable and maybe inspiring for your own spring teaching/learning practice.

It was a real joy to be able to take part in the event and hope all those there enjoyed as much as I did. Looking forward to our next meeting now!

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