Friday, January 9, 2015

Moodle For Teachers EVO 2015

Register now for Moodle 4 Teachers English Village Online Session 2015!

EVO15 is kicking off on January 11 and registration for M4T session is now open. For 5 weeks, until February 15, you will be able to participate in live online classes and view the recordings from the Moodle session area.

The aim of the M4T session is to provide participants, who have never used Moodle or who would like to enrich their previous Moodle experiences, with the knowledge and skills to navigate a Moodle course, access resources, activities, and blocks from a student perspective and practise the same Moodle features in practice areas as teachers and managers of a Moodle course. The participants will develop a lesson in teams in a Moodle course of their own.

The session is massive, open, completely free, and facilitated by a team of 6 moderators from different parts of the world, all willing to help and accompany you in this collaborative connected challenge.

Meet the team below. From left to right: Nellie Deutsch, Ludmila Smirnova, Tom Hodgers, Nives Torresi, Susan Dixon, and myself.

The main learning environment is at Moodle 4 Teachers EVO15, the course area that includes all the materials and the schedule of activities. In addition, every Saturday the session holds
live online classes (webinars) at 4 GMT/UTC  (11 AM EST).

To join this session, follow these steps:
1. Create an account on:
2. Go to your email, confirm the account and log in.
3. Enroll in
4. Introduce yourself:

The action starts on January 10, 2015!

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