Friday, April 4, 2014

URJC and SGAguilar foster reading and writing skills

At the URJC Master's Degree for The Use of ICT and Digital Resources in Primary Bilingual Education, a team of students is developing an e-project to foster writing and reading skills through the use of ICT with the collaboration of a class of CLIL students at Colegio San Gregorio, thanks to their teacher, @javiramossancha.

Emily, Nuria and Pablo designed and recorded their first set of audio stories in Madrid and they were ever so surprised (and so was I) to see that the kids at #colsangregorio in Palencia had started listening to their productions, so e-connections were spreading.

Today, we are taking a step ahead consolidating this network between CLIL e-students and CLIL e-teachers thanks to the great activity the kids at #colsangregorio have accomplished: the characters for the audio-stories at #ictclil_urjc.

It is wonderful to see how these audio-stories now have colourful characters who tell the stories too! We are really grateful and humbly honoured to see this great outcome!

Thanks ever so much for making this e-project a real CLIL project! This would have never happened without ICT, Twitter, and of course, without Connected Teachers!!!!!

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